Village of Inglewood
March 3, 2025 6:30 PM
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Albert Nielsen with Jerry Abrahamson, John Nielsen, Greg Goree and Mark Clausen present. The Chairman announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act. It was then moved by J. Nielsen, seconded by Clausen and carried, to approve the minutes of the last meeting and to dispense with the reading.
Four building permits and two hall rentals were reported by the clerk.
Account balances as follows:
RVR Bank thru 01.31.2025
General Checking Balance - $29,195.76
Keno Checking Balance - $120,365.82
Street Checking Balance - $284,670.74
Bond Fund Balance - $17,384.74
12-month CD Balance - $ 572,810.03
The clerk/treasurer’s report was read and approved by a motion from Goree and second from J. Nielsen.
REPAIR REPORTS (street/sign repairs, etc.)
Several road signs were reported as down or missing, one on Cloverly and one on Boulevard. Goree will tour the village for any other signs that are missing. Goree Excavating will locate the signs or order new ones to replace the missing signs.
The Chairman has not been able to get in touch with the person at the Department of Utilities that is responsible for street light programing. He will continue to try and get in touch with the person who can change the timing on the Cloverly Broad stop lights.
The trustees continued to discuss the possibility of installing a stop light at the intersection of Broad and Ridgeland to help deter truck traffic going thru the village. Goree said there is already a pole at the intersection that could be used to erect the stop light.
Snow removal at the hall was discussed. The clerk was directed to write BLT Plumbing a letter asking them to make sure all their vehicles are off the street when it snows so that snow removal will be easier.
They need to remove their vehicles on the weekends also so parking is available for hall rentals.
The Chairman and clerk met to open the bids received for the pavement improvements on February 22nd.
The chairman and clerk met with Rodger Menn to discuss the additional permit requirements that the clerk received from the State of Nebraska for buildings erected in the flood plain.
1. It was reported that Dusty Wilcox is erecting a building on his property on Ridgeland Ave. The clerk was directed to check into the permit that Wilcox had received from the village and if it was still active and what were the plans approved for the building permit issued.
2. The Chairman has spoken to the city of Fremont about limiting truck traffic on Broad Street. Fremont plans to install “Local truck traffic only” signs on Broad Street in Fremont and the Chairman let them know if they ordered those signs, Inglewood would like them to order signs for the village as well.
1. Rodger Menn came before the trustees to request four additional building permits for the Hidden Meadows subdivision. He will follow all the new requirements for flood building permits as required by the State of Nebraska. The clerk issued the permits pending the documents being received that are required. These permits will be for 508, 510, 512 and 514 Hidden Meadows Drive. Menn said it is more economical to do all the 8 buildings at the same time. He also told the trustees that a gas line will be run from the trailer park to the north into the subdivision. A motion was made by Abrahamson and second from Clausen to allow the clerk to issue the four building permits pending the required documents being provided by Menn.
2. The Department of Utilities had contacted the clerk about the installation of the street lights on Hidden Meadows Drive. Menn said he had been in contact with the department to discuss the installation. They had proposed three lights but the trustees and Menn decided four would be better, the last one lighting the entrance to the subdivision. The Department also inquired on who will be responsible for payment of the installation and monthly cost. The clerk was directed to tell the Department that Menn is responsible for both the installation and monthly billing for the new street lights.
3. The clerk reported that the annual Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) was completed and submitted by the village engineer.
1. The clerk reported three bids were received by the village for the Pavement Improvement Project. Of the three bids received, one was received late and could not be accepted. Midwest Coatings Company provided the lowest bid at $93,807.26. this bid was hand delivered on the bid opening day, Sta-Bilt Construction sent a bid by UPS for $139,155.64 and Road Guy mailed a bid that was received on 2/24/2025 after the bid opening date so it was not considered. Their bid was $126,953.00. The trustees voted to accept the Midwest Coatings Company bid with a motion from Abrahamson and second from J. Nielsen. The clerk will send the results to the bidders and request a signed contract and certificate of insurance from Midwest Coatings Company. Residents in attendance asked which streets would be included in the project. The Chairman explained that only the asphalt streets would be included in the project. The concrete streets would not benefit from being treated with the overlay, so the new Park Street and Ridgeland would not be included.
2. The trustees reviewed the bid documents for the sanitary sewer project that were submitted by the village engineer. J. Nielsen made the motion to accept the bid documents as presented, a second was made by Clausen. The clerk was directed to submit the bid documents to be published in the Fremont Tribune with a bid opening date of April 4th at 11:00am.
3. The village received one applicant for the clerk position. A motion was made by J. Nielsen and second from Abrahamson to accept the applicant for the clerk position. The Chairman and clerk will meet with the applicant to go over the details of the position and benefits.
4. A resident requested that the trustees look at widening the concrete at the Ridgeland and Broad intersection to make it an easier turn for trucks and RVS. The Chairman asked if the trustees approve widening that intersection would they consider widening the corner of Cloverly and Boulevard. He said trucks are coming down Cloverly by mistake and turning on Boulevard causing damage to the yards. The trustees asked if the engineer could look at the Broad/Ridgeland project and come up with a projected cost. Goree Excavating could do the work on Boulevard/Cloverly because it would be considerably less because it is just asphalt not concrete and would not have to go out for a bid. A motion was made by J. Nielsen and Goree seconded it to get a projected bid from the village engineer.
5. Michelle Koebel with Wine, Beer & Spirits was present at the meeting and inquired about the flags at the front of the business that the village had asked to be moved back. She said they had moved them back 12 inches and asked if that would be sufficient. The trustees told her that as long as the flags did not block line of sight at Ridgeland that it would be okay. The trustees thanked her for attending the meeting and for taking action on the flags.
6. Two residents were present that asked if the village would resume clean up days as they had done in the past before the flood. Deb Niles and Karen Gay said they would be willing to facilitate the operation of the clean-up day. They suggested a date of Saturday, May 3rd. A motion was made by Abrahamson and second from Clausen to allow them to facilitate the clean-up day and the village would be willing to pay for the disposal fees. It was discussed that no tires will be accepted and the clerk will provide a list of residents that they can check against to make sure the event is not abused by people who do not live in the village.
7. A resident complained about a property on Main Street that is still not cleaned up as was requested by the village last year. The clerk was directed to take photos of the property and to have the attorney write a letter to the property owner. If the attorney knows the name of the mother of the property owner the letter should be sent to her as she was the decision maker for the property.
8. A complaint was made that the upkeep of trailer court in the village has gone downhill since the manger passed away. The clerk was directed to write a letter to the property owner requesting the trailer court be cleaned up.
9. It was also reported that there is still a rooster in the trailer court. The chairman will speak with the current manager to see if a solution to this problem can be obtained.
10. A resident asked about the possibility of a reservoir or drain be out in at the west end of Ridgeland to help prevent the flooding that occurs there when it rains. The trustees said the city of Fremont would not permit it that close to the dike which they own. Several possible solutions to the flooding problem were discussed.
Albert Nielsen - Chairman - meeting attendance - $150.00
Jerry Abrahamson - Vice Chairman - meeting attendance - $100.00
John Neilsen - meeting attendance - $100.00
Greg Goree - trustee - meeting attendance - $100.00
Mark Clausen - trustee -meeting attendance - $100.00
Barbara Shelton - clerk - salary - $450.00 meeting attendance $50.00 - phone reimbursement -$50.00 Total - $550.00
Dept of Utilities (auto pay) - hall utilities at 140 Boulevard - $335.56
Emanuel Printing - Small Talk - $65.00
Erickson & Brooks - professional fee - $490.00
USPS - 2 rolls stamps - $146.00
BLT Plumbing and Heating - emergency repair - $159.08
Column Publishing - legal publications - $30.50
Albert Nielsen - five footing inspections - $250.00
ALLO Communications - long distance - $1.84
Barbara Shelton - Staples - copies - $44.98
Stephanie Montgomery - 3 hall inspections - $60.00
The 5th Season - annual contracts, lawn, sprinklers and pest control - $698.28
H&M Development - snow removal and park clean up - $155.00
David Hartmann - legal fees - $425.00
City of Fremont - library cards - two renewals and one new - $105.00
Dept of Utilities - highway lights - 1157 S Broad - $106.82
Dept of Utilities - street lights - 132 Boulevard - $248.00
Department of Utilities - moving utilities (invoice from 2019) - $2,648.56
Bills and reimbursements for $7,069.62 were read and approved with a motion from Abrahamson and second by J. Nielsen.
An additional invoice from Goree Excavating was presented for $850.00 for snow removal and moving concrete blocks. A motion was made by J. Nielsen and second from Abrahamson. Goree abstained.
Total bills and reimbursements for $7,919.62 were approved.
The regular meeting was adjourned by a motion from J. Nielsen and second by Goree.
Barbara Shelton, Clerk Jerry Abrahamson, Vice Chairman