Village of Inglewood

      December 2, 2024                                                                                                                                                                                            6:30 PM

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Albert Nielsen with Jerry Abrahamson, John Nielsen, Greg Goree and Mark Clausen present. The Chairman announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act. It was then moved by Clausen, seconded by Goree and carried, to approve the minutes of the last meeting and to dispense with the reading.
One Keno check was received for November for $3,848.94, four building permits were obtained and four hall rentals.

Account balances as follows:

RVR Bank    thru 10.31.2024 

General Checking Balance - $47,494.51
Keno Checking Balance - $116,304.85
Street Checking Balance - $280,448.91
Bond Fund Balance - $81,175.30
12-month CD Balance - $ 572,810.03

The clerk/treasurer’s report was read and approved by a motion from Goree and second from J. Nielsen.

REPAIR REPORTS (street/sign repairs, etc.)
Several street lights were reported as out or not working correctly. The clerk will report them to the Fremont DU so they can see what needs to be repaired.

The Chairman met with John Zimmerman of Cline/Williams Law Firm to discuss the development of the Hidden Meadows subdivision because David Hartmann, the village attorney had a conflict of interest in the matter. Zimmerman told the Chairman to make sure he followed the ordinances through the entire process to make sure the village would not be liable for any problems that may arise with the development. ​

1. The clerk had reported several street lights out to the Fremont DU for them to repair.

2. The clerk reported that the village cd had been renewed for 3 months at a 4.5% rate. The expired CD was rolled over into this new CD. The total deposit in the new CD is $580,951.61.

3. Garrett Johnson, the village engineer is working on a new village map and had submitted one with just the streets and boundaries, He was asked to provide a map which showed the zoning districts within the village. He will have that map by the end of the week.

4. Johnson is also preparing a bid for the relocation of the sanitary line. There is a meeting this week we the engineer, Chairman, Clerk and representatives from Fremont Utilities.

1. Chris Menn and Jerry Nelson came before the trustees to request building permits for the first four houses in the Hidden Meadows subdivision. They presented elevation sheets, building plans and a revised covenant for the subdivision. According to the village ordinances the revised covenants should have been presented to the planning commission before they were filed with the county. Ideally the planning commission should look over the covenants and make a recommendation to the trustees as to whether they approve the covenants as revised. The trustees did not have adequate time to look over the submitted plans to make any kind of decision on the building permits. Their concerns are whether the building had the required exits and was the exit adequately fire rated according to the submitted plans. Nelson, Menn’s architect, said the plans met the 2018 IRC residential codes in number of exits and fire rating. The chairman noted that Inglewood currently follows the 2021 IRC residential building codes and he did not think the submitted plans met the requirements.  He requested that Menn needs t submit the plans to an IRC certified building inspector and have them sign off the plans as conforming with all 2021 building regulations. The village wants to show it has done its due diligence on the approval of the building plans. Another solution that may make it easier is to just have an additional exit put into the plans coming out of the front of the house. The chairman also said the trustees and attorney would need more time to examine the building plans since they only got them at the beginning of the meeting. The chairman directed Menn on the steps they need to follow to have the building plans approved. The first step is to have the building plans certified by a third-party IRC building inspector. Second, meet with the planning commission and go over the plans before the actual scheduled meeting so they can ask questions or request changes as needed. Publish the public hearing notice for the planning commission meeting and come before the planning commission and board of trustees to make a decision on the building permit requests. The chairman said that Garrett Johnson had said he knows several IRC building inspectors, so the clerk will get him in touch with Rodger Menn to give him some names for them to consider. No action was taken on the building permit request was made until all the issues have been addressed and the steps taken to certify the building plans.

2. A motion was made by Abrahamson and second from J. Nielsen to approve all the current service providers:

David Hartmann – attorney
Garrett Johnson – engineer and street superintendent

Goree Excavating – Streets and signs, snow removal

Fremont Tribune – publishing

Erickson & Brooks – accountant

Barbara Shelton – clerk/treasurer

RVR Bank – bank

BLT Plumbing and Heating – ac/furnace maintenance and repair

Teresa Wallin – park and lawn service

Stephanie Montgomery – Hall inspector

Retain current health board members

No building inspector at this time

3. The 2024 election for trustees was certified and Albert Nielsen and John Nielsen were re-elected to a two-year term.

4. The chairman called for the reorganization of the board of trustees with the distribution of ballots to elect the chairman and vice chairman. Marilyn Kuddes counted the ballots and presented them to the clerk. Albert Nielsen was re-elected chairman and Jerry Abrahamson was re-elected vice chairman.

5. LARM sent the annual request for the village workers compensation audit. The clerk was directed to file the report by a motion from Goree and second from J. Nielsen.

6. A bond interest payment of $70,467.60 is due on December 20th. A motion was made by Abrahamson and second from J. Nielsen for the clerk to pay the interest payment that is due.

7. Tobacco licenses for Wine, Beer & Spirits and Shell Station were approved for 2025 with a motion from J. Nielsen and second from Goree. The clerk will issue the permits after the $10.00 fee is received.​


1. The clerk received a written complaint about roosters being kept in the trailer park and at a resident on Main Street. The chairman will speak with the manager of the trailer park and the clerk will write a letter to the resident on Main Street.

2. The ARPA funds the village received from the Covid pandemic must be obligated to a project by the end of the 2024. The clerk will report the Park Street project against these funds.

3. The Fremont DU had requested permission to remove the east classification from the Prospect addresses in the village. The trustees discussed the possibility of future building needing the east in their addresses so decided to not have the DU take off the east classification. Since there are several vacant lots that could be designated if houses are ever built on them was another reason the trustees voted not to have the east designation taken off the addresses. The clerk was direct to let the DU know the trustee’s decision.

4. Several residents had asked the clerk why the village hall is not used for voting so the trustees discussed the possibility and decided it is the decision of Dodge County and the current location of Christensen Field is working fine.

PAYMENTS, BILL & REIMBURSMENTS                                                     

Albert Nielsen - Chairman - regular meeting attendance and emergency meeting attendance- $200.00

Jerry Abrahamson - Vice Chairman - regular meeting attendance and emergency meeting attendance- $150.00

Greg Goree - trustee - meeting attendance - $100.00
John Nielsen - trustee - regular meeting attendance and emergency meeting attendance - $150.00

Mark Clausen - trustee -  regular meeting attendance and emergency meeting attendance - $150.00
Barbara Shelton - clerk - salary - $450.00  meeting attendance  $50.00 - emergency meeting attendance - $50.00 phone reimbursement -$45.00- Total $595.00
Dept of Utilities (auto pay) - hall utilities at 140 Boulevard - $163.79

Emanuel Printing - Small Talk - $65.00

Teresa Wallin - lawn service and park clean up, paint and labor for poles in park, install soccer goal - $435.00

Column Publishing - legal publications - $44.85

S2 Refuse -  1st quarter trash service- $155.00

USPS - 2 rolls stamps - $146.00

Albert Nielsen - one meeting with attorney and 5 hours research for Hidden Meadows - $125.00

Stephanie Montgomery - 4 hall inspections, one hour cleaning - $100.00

ALLO Communications - long distance - $2.24

Barbara Shelton - reimbursement copies, trashj bags and postage - $69.00

Menards - 3 mini blinds = $26.97



RVR Bank - interest payment - $70,467.61


Dept of Utilities - highway lights - 1157 S Broad - $98.93

Dept of Utilities - street lights - 132 Boulevard - $248.00



Total bills and reimbursements for $73,492.39 were read and approved with a motion from Goree and second by Abrahamson.

The regular meeting was adjourned by a motion from J. Nielsen and second by Abrahamson.

ATTEST:                                                                                                                                                                  APPROVED:                                                                              
Barbara Shelton, Clerk                                                                                                                                     Albert Nielsen, Chairman
