Village of Inglewood
January 6, 2025 6:30 PM
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Vice Chairman Jerry Abrahamson with John Nielsen, Greg Goree and Mark Clausen present. Chairman Albert Nielsen was absent. The Vice Chairman announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act. It was then moved by J Nielsen, seconded by Clausen and carried, to approve the minutes of the last meeting and to dispense with the reading.
One building permit was obtained and two hall rentals
Account balances as follows:
RVR Bank thru 11.30.2024
General Checking Balance - $48,115.84
Keno Checking Balance - $119,907.70
Street Checking Balance - $260,623.09
Bond Fund Balance - $81,509.87
12-month CD Balance - $ 572,810.03
The clerk/treasurer’s report was read and approved by a motion from Goree and second from J. Nielsen.
REPAIR REPORTS (street/sign repairs, etc.)
1. The village accountant directed the clerk to transfer $17,405.24 from the general account to the street account. A motion was made by J. Nielsen and a second from Goree to approve the transfer of funds.
2. A new zoning map was presented by the village engineer last month and some changes were requested by the trustees. The revised map was sent to the clerk and presented to the trustees. J. Nielsen made a motion to accept the new zoning map with a second from Clausen.
1. The planning commission met before the board of trustees to review the request from Rodger Menn to approve the revised Hidden Meadows covenants with the changes the trustees had requested during the last meeting. The main change requested was that the homes would be occupied by a single family, with the owner occupying the home. That change was included in the revised covenants. The planning commission also reviewed the building plans Menn had certified by an IRC building inspector. There was some discussion over the inspector certifying the plans using the 2016 IRC codes instead of the 2021 IRC codes. Menn said he would have the inspector send a letter stating that the plans were approved using the 2021 IRC codes.
Menn came before the board with the same requests that were made before the planning commission. Vice Chairman Abrahamson asked Theresa Bilava, speaking for the planning commission, what their recommendation concerning the requests were to the board. Bilava told the vice chairman that the planning commission agreed to approve all the requests from Menn pending approval from the village attorney. Vice Chairman Abrahamson thanked the planning commission for their time and recommendation.
Some residents attending the meeting had questions and concerns about the homes and the development of the subdivision. Their concerns were about traffic and the properties possibly turning into an eye sore. The residents’ concerns were addressed by Menn and the trustees and they agreed the building of the homes in the subdivision should proceed. The trustees agreed with the planning commission recommendation that the village attorney needs to look over the covenants before they can vote to accept them. There had been concerns over a possible conflict of interest since the village attorney and Menn’s attorney both work at the same law firm. Menn disclosed he had spoken with his attorney (Dave Mitchell) and his attorney had spoken to the village attorney (David Hartmann) concerning a possible conflict. Both attorneys agreed there would be no conflict. A motion was made by Goree and second from Clausen to allow David Hartmann to look at the covenants and give his opinion to Abrahamson. Donald Simon, a FEMA and IRC approved building inspector certified the building plans that were submitted by Menn. There were a couple of issues with the certified building plans. A door on the front side of the home was omitted from the drawing and the plans were certified using the 2016 IRC codes. A motion was made by Goree to approve the building plans pending the changes in the drawing and certification. Clausen seconded the motion and it was approved.
Menn asked if it would be possible for the trustees to consult the attorney as soon as possible and then hold a special meeting to approve the revised covenants so he could get them filed with Dodge County and then be ready to present the filed covenants at the next scheduled meeting. Vice chairman Abrahamson said he would contact the village attorney and get his opinion on the covenants as it pertains to Inglewood. If the village attorney sees no problems or concerns with the revised covenants the vice chairman directed the clerk to arrange a special meeting. Menn was informed the special meeting would have a cost and a legal notice would need to be published 10 days before the meeting can take place per Nebraska statues.
2. Hemal Patel, owner of Tom’s Shell, came before the board to request the property he purchased from Loretta Meistrell next to the station be zoned transitional commercial as it was when Meistrell owned it. He plans on expanding onto that property for the relocation of the diesel pumps to allow larger trucks to be able to fuel at the station. He will abide by the original zoning restrictions to not have a driveway going out on to Prospect. He may have a drive with a locked gate in case he needs access to Prospect for some reason.
A resident in attendance had concerns over possible noise and traffic from trucks since the station will now be able to accommodate diesel truck traffic. A motion was made by J. Nielsen and second from Clausen to approve the transfer of the zoning of transitional commercial to the property now owned by Gini, LLC. by Ordinance 2025-031.
Patel also asked for a building permit to erect the canopy for the fuel island on the property on the south side of the station. The clerk will deliver the permit to the station.
3. The village accountant had completed the audit waiver request and the clerk presented it to the trustees. The clerk explained the process to the trustees and those in attendance. A motion was made by J. Nielsen and second from Goree to approve the submission of the audit waiver request.
4. Resolution 410-2025, setting reimbursements for officials and village clerk from October 1, 2024 – September 30,2025 was approved by a motion from J. Nielsen and second from Goree. No changes were made in the reimbursement schedule by the trustees.
5. The village engineer, Garrett Johnson submitted the documents he prepared for the village to use to go out for bids for a company to apply chip coating on all the roads in the village. The trustees explained the process to those in attendance. This process will add inches to the road surface and help preserve the surface. J. Nielsen made the motion to accept the bid documents and Clausen made the second. The bids will go out before the end of winter so the work can be started in the spring. The total projected cost is around $132,000.00.
6. The city of Fremont had contacted the clerk about putting up a no engine braking sign at the south boundary of Inglewood. Several residents in Emerson Estates and Doves Cove have made complaints about the increase in noise because of the engine braking. J. Nielsen made a motion to allow Fremont to put up the sign on the Inglewood village limit sign. Clausen made the second and it was approved. There will be no cost to Inglewood for the sign or installation.
1. The clerk received the Keno Form 35K from the accountant and will submit it to the state. This is a requirement from the state that must be done each year. A motion was made by Clausen and second from Goree for the clerk to submit the form to the state.
2. The clerk submitted the documentation and invoices for the 8 hours of required continuing education she must have per the state. The trustees allow $20.00 an hour for the classes and reimbursement for any costs. The clerk will be reimbursed $160.00 for the 8 hours and $39.00 for the cost of the classes for a total of $199.00.
3. An item placed on the agenda for the chairman to retain an attorney for the village concerning Hidden Meadows was already addressed earlier in the meeting.
4. The annual banner permit that the state requires was presented by the clerk. J. Nielsen made a motion for the clerk to submit the report and Clausen made the second. The clerk will file the report stating Inglewood does not have any banners in the village.
5. A resident said they still hear a rooster at the Oak Grove Trailer court. The clerk had sent a letter to the manager to request he finds out who has the rooster and ask them to get rid of it since it is against village ordinances. Abrahamson said he would follow up with the manager and report back to the trustees.
6. A resident asked if the complete ordinances could be posted on the village website to make it easier for the residents to look up the regulations. The trustees explained it would be time consuming, and the clerk does the website updates and is not a full time employee so would to have the time to do the updates needed. A suggestion was made that maybe there be a section that answers frequently asked questions. The clerk will look into this and see how much time it would take to add this to the website.
7. The vice chairman announced the clerk would be leaving her position this summer and asked everyone in attendance to see if they knew anyone that would like to apply for the position. It would be ideal if someone could be hired soon so the current clerk would have time to train them. The clerk will place a notice in the Small Talk for a new clerk for the village.
Albert Nielsen - Chairman - absent- $0.00
Jerry Abrahamson - Vice Chairman - meeting attendance - $150.00
Greg Goree - trustee - meeting attendance - $100.00
John Nielsen - trustee - meeting attendance - $100.00
Mark Clausen - trustee - meeting attendance - $100.00
Barbara Shelton - clerk - salary - $450.00 meeting attendance $50.00 - phone reimbursement -$50.00- Total $550.00
Dept of Utilities (auto pay) - hall utilities at 140 Boulevard - $205.90
Emanuel Printing - Small Talk - $65.00
Teresa Wallin - lawn service and park clean up - $190.00
Column Publishing - legal publications - $65.17
T&T Electric - repair mast at village hall - $88.00
Stephanie Montgomery - 2 hall inspections - $40.00
ALLO Communications - long distance - $1.70
Barbara Shelton - 8 hours continuing education, class fee $39.00, postage $1.77 - $200.70
Cline Williams - legal fees $1,478.00
Brickyard Engineering - village map, bid documents - $7,800.00
Dept of Utilities - highway lights - 1157 S Broad - $103.29
Dept of Utilities - street lights - 132 Boulevard - $248.00
Bills and reimbursements for $11,505.83 were read and approved with a motion from Goree and second by J. Nielsen.
An additional invoice from Goree Excavating was presented for $3,315.00 for signs and installation. A motion was made by J. Nielsen and second from Clausen. Goree abstained.
Total bills and reimbursements for $14,800.83 were approved.
The regular meeting was adjourned by a motion from J. Nielsen and second by Clausen.
Barbara Shelton, Clerk Jerry Abrahamson, Vice Chairman